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Love, Jenn & Chris

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Welcome to our wedding website! This site is dedicated to all our friends, to keep them up to date on how our wedding plans are progressing. And especially for our out-of-town friends, on getting to Malaysia, special rates for the hotels (Mandarin Oriental in KL, Hilton in Kuching), other optional activities that have been planned (courtesy of Borneo Adventures) etc. Have a look around and leave us a message in our guestbook! Lots of love, Jenn & Chris.

OK... how we met.

I think we're one of those Serendipity couples where fate really wanted us together, except we didn't decide to not swap phone numbers.

Chris returned from the States for his brother's wedding for like less than a week, we met in Hard Rock Cafe, KL, through mutual friends. It was chance I was there coz I was dead tired & hadn't wanted to go out that night. It wasn't definitely interest at first sight, if not subconscious love.

Next day, Johnny calls me up to say his friend Chris likes me. I'm like "well, he's a nice guy, I like him too". He's like "No, he realllly likes you." Hmmm.

The day after that, Chris calls me up and we end up chatting for 3 hours, and when we started to develop ear ache from the receiver, he suggested drinks that evening. Had a couple of drinks and a lot of conversation, which led to dinner the following night. Not wanting to be too forward, Chris says it's a dinner with a group of friends.

Group of friends meaning one friend. Our mutual friend, Johnny.

Had too much to drink (4 bottles of red wine and whiskey shots to follow with karaoke!) - part of his crafty & carefully planned strategy - a fantastic evening and a huge hangover the next day.

We managed to make one more date the next night before he flew off to the States. It was 2 days before my birthday, which he couldn't stay for... so he came with a bunch of beautifully wrapped pink roses and my birthday present... an oil painting with the paint still wet! (He'd spent the afternoon painting it).

Then he flies off & I think what a nice guy, long distance relationships never work.

How wrong I was... we emailed each other twice a day, long loooong emails, and he even wrote me poetry. After like a week back in the States for Arch school, he calls me and says "I want to come back to see you" and you know what's weird? When he called I was just getting up in the morning and had dreamt he had come back home to surprise me.

So if you ask me, I think it was destiny that did it.

How did he propose?

A year later he proposed, and as he was in the US and I was in Malaysia, he did it over the phone. Yeah I know... original! We were "engaged" for a few months before we thought maybe we should disengage ourselves until he came home because he didn't know when that was going to happen (he got a can't-refuse offer from top architectural firm, SOM). But after that, he soon did coz our monthly phone bills ran into the high quadruple digits.

When he returned to KL, he proposed again, this time on his knees, with a very sparkly big diamond ring, at Oliver Super Sandwiches. We did go for champagne afterwards though!